Hi there! 👋 I'm

Dewmini Thakshila

Feel free to explore my work and journey. Let's connect!

About Me

I am a passionate Computer Science undergraduate at the University of Kelaniya. My passion lies in web technologies, software development, and protecting digital assets. I strive to combine creativity with technical skills to solve complex challenges and contribute to a safer digital world. As an active member of university communities like FOSS and ISACA, I am dedicated to promoting open-source software and best practices in information security.

Dewmini | Profile

My Skills


Next.js, React, Tailwind CSS, Javascript, HTML, CSS


Node.js, Express, Django, Spring Boot, Java, Python, C


MongoDB, PostgreSQL, MySQL


Vercel, GitHub, Azure, Supabase, Cybersecurity

My Projects



A TailwindCSS Component Library built with Next.js, React, shadcn/ui, Tailwind CSS, Azure Web Apps.

Personal Portfolio

Personal Portfolio

A personal portfolio showcasing projects and skills built with Next.js, React, shadcn/ui, Tailwind CSS, Vercel.



Ongoing Peer coding project. An open-source event management platform for event organizers. Built Next.js, Django, Python, Docker, Postgresql, Supabase, GraphQL, Microsoft Azure

NPM Common Validation package

NPM Common Validation package

A regex-based npm library for string validation built with Javascript, Typescript, tsup

Patient Management System

Patient Management System

A Group project for Blockchain based web application, handles various aspects, including patient data management and appointments. Built with Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, Ganache, Ethereum, Solidity



A Group project for a pet shop. A simple web application. Built with HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, JavaScript

My Education

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

University of Kelaniya

2021 - Present

I am currently pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science at the University of Kelaniya. I have completed courses in data structures, algorithms, software engineering, and web development.

Advanced Level (Mathematics Stream)

Sri Sumangala Girls' School, Panadura

2010 - 2019

I completed my Advanced Level examination in the Mathematics stream at Sri Sumangala Girls' School, Panadura. I achieved excellent results in mathematics, physics, and ICT.

Get in Touch

Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or inquiries. I'm always excited to connect with new people and explore new opportunities.